Matiss C: «There are no shortcuts; it's a challenging journey.»

Matiss C
26 Feb 2024
26 Feb 2024

MTT poker player and coach Matiss C answers 5 basic questions from Getcoach about his poker career, coaching goals and regular life. 

1. How long ago did you learn about poker and how did you become a professional?

I began my journey into the world of poker as a professional around 8 years ago. It all started when a university teacher sought individuals to analyze the game from a mathematical and statistical viewpoint, which perfectly aligned with my passion for mathematics. Transitioning into online poker, I dedicated myself to mastering the game. Over time, I became deeply entrenched in the poker community, using my expertise to not only pursue my own career but also to assist others in reaching their full potential and seeing the game from fresh angles.

2. How long have you been coaching and what motivated you to start your coaching journey?

I've been coaching for about 3 years now, and the MatissCoaching brand continues to gain momentum. My motivation to start this coaching journey stemmed from a deep-seated drive to assist others in the poker world. With around 100 students hailing from various corners of the globe, I recognized the need for quality coaching amidst the plethora of options available. My approach emphasizes helping students truly understand the situations they analyze, recognizing that no one can memorize every single scenario. Through years of experience, I've found that repetition is crucial for success. Seeing my students improve their gameplay and achieve a better return of investment brings me immense satisfaction.

3. Where do you live and what do you usually do besides poker?

I live in Riga, Latvia. Besides poker, I spend a significant amount of time traveling to participate in live series tournaments. Additionally, I'm heavily involved in streaming with PartyPoker (Optibet) twitch channel and creating content, which occupies a good portion of my time. Overall, poker in all its forms is both my passion and profession, keeping me engaged and fulfilled.

4. In your opinion, what are 3 main things that people who want to grow as professional poker players should learn?

To become a successful poker player, it's crucial to understand that there are no shortcuts; it's a challenging journey that leads to success. While I could use standard phrases and mention some typical things, one most important aspect remains: dedication and hard work.

5. What are your coaching and general poker goals?

My coaching and general poker goals encompass leaving a significant mark in both the coaching and playing spheres of the poker world within my region. I aspire to mentor and support as many new players as possible, nurturing their growth and success in the game. Furthermore, I am committed to representing the profession of both poker coaching and playing with integrity and excellence, striving to elevate the standards and perception of poker in my community.

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