Tonio «GilZ89Poker»: «You need to have a healthy mental game»

Tonio  «GilZ89Poker» 
29 Mar 2024
Holdem Interview
29 Mar 2024

Poker pro and coach Tonio «GilZ89Poker» answers 5 basic questions from Getcoach about his poker career, coaching goals and regular life. 

1. How long ago did you learn about poker and how did you become a professional?

Around 2010 I started to play poker and got more serious by time. I started with Sit&Go’s and MTT’s, but switched to Cash games somewhere in 2014. Since 2016 I have been able to play poker for a living.

2. How long have you been coaching and what motivated you to start your coaching journey?

Mike Gano (Fooz known from 2+2) was my first coach and after I bought and finished a 10-hour package he after a while asked, due to my good results, if I wanted to coach under him via his website (out of air, but used to be: This was somewhere in 2017 until 2018 for well over a year. During that time I’ve had well over 40 students.
After he quit I started my own coaching thread and have since then been coaching well over 60 students between 2019-2024, with some pauses inbetween.

3. Where do you live and what do you usually do besides poker?

I like to hang out with friends and my girlfriend. I visit the gym and like a healthy lifestyle. Although I’ve always been a party-boy, and thus know what struggles it could cause. Nowadays I’m more chill and party-mode is low.

4. In your opinion, what are 3 main things that people who want to grow as professional poker players should learn?

  • They need to understand why they are making certain lines and keep track of ranges
  • They need to be able to adjust to their opponents so they are able to exploit them
  • They need to have a healthy mental game; even if you are very good when you play your A-game, but when your C-game takes control too often in combination with bad BRM (bankroll management) you will not make it

5. What are your coaching and general poker goals?

I love to coach and teach, as most students see and hear my enthusiasm. I’ll always make sure they are more than satisfied. Regarding poker itself I would like to climb to midstakes slowly while holding a good BRM

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