9 Easy Ways to Tell If They Have It or Not

Nathan  «BlackRain79»  Williams
27 Jan 2025
This material is for beginner players

In this comprehensive guide, Nathan BlackRain79 Williams breaks down nine essential poker tells that help players identify opponent hand strength. From physical tells to betting patterns, the video covers key signs like check-raising on rag flops, timing tells, and behavior changes. Perfect for beginners looking to improve their hand reading abilities.

The video focuses on spotting common patterns in amateur players. It teaches that fast plays often mean weakness, while slow plays and speeches often signal strength.

Power Reads:

  • Fast betting often signals weak hands, especially from amateur players
  • Quiet players who suddenly become talkative usually have weak hands
  • Very tight players rarely bluff when raising on later streets
  • Players with low three-bet percentages (under 5%) usually have premium hands
  • Watch for missed draws on the river - big bets here are often bluffs
  • Tank-raising on the river typically shows very strong hands
  • Tilted players tend to make more bluffs and mistakes
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