Fish Play Hole Cards, Crushers Play Ranges

GTO Wizard
14 Sep 2024

Tom “Tombos21” Boshoff explains the importance of thinking in ranges for poker success. He covers range types, GTO vs exploitative strategies, and range morphology. Little discusses how ranges affect decision-making and when they matter most. The video provides insights for players looking to improve their strategic thinking in poker.

Thinking in ranges is crucial for poker success. Understanding range types and their implications helps make better decisions. Opponent adaptability affects strategy.

Range Mastery for Poker Success

  • Ranges represent beliefs about possible hands
  • GTO strategy is static, while exploitative play adapts to opponent tendencies
  • Range types: polarized, condensed, merged, capped, and uncapped
  • Range morphology helps simplify complex hand combinations
  • Your range matters when opponents can adapt their strategy
  • Against static opponents, focus on maximizing individual hand value
  • Understanding the interplay between ranges and opponent strategies is key
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