ICM GTO 4-bet 3-bet This video covers how to play Pocket Jacks in poker tournaments. Matt Hunt uses GTO Wizard to analyze various MTT scenarios, discussing pre-flop and post-flop strategies. He explores optimal play at different stack depths, ICM considerations, and how to approach various board textures when holding Pocket Jacks. Pocket Jacks play varies greatly based on stack size, position, and tournament stage. Bet sizing and board texture significantly impact post-flop decision-making. Strategic Insights for Playing Pocket Jacks Pocket Jacks rarely open-shove above 10 big blinds Three-betting frequency increases as stacks get shallower ICM considerations greatly affect play, especially near the bubble Post-flop strategy depends on board texture and position Betting with the flush draw on monotone boards is preferred Undercard boards are ideal for big bets with Pocket Jacks Slow-playing sets or full houses is uncommon except in specific scenarios