bet sizing check-raise bluff 3-bet ranges This video teaches a framework for playing 3-bet pots out of position. It covers flop strategies, including when to check-raise or call against different bet sizes. Marc Goone explains how to exploit common opponent mistakes and adjust based on board texture. Turn play after flop checks is also discussed, with emphasis on betting sizes and range analysis. Checking entire range on flop can exploit opponent mistakes. Use opponent bet sizing to inform decisions. On turns after checked flops, bet large with most hands. Mastering Out-of-Position Play in 3-Bet Pots Check entire range on wet, dynamic flops to exploit opponent tendencies Adjust check-raise strategy based on opponent's bet size Use opponent bet sizing as a tell for hand strength Bet large on turns after checked flops with most of your range Adapt strategy for passive opponents or shallow stacks Consider board texture when deciding flop and turn actions Analyze opponent's range in buckets for better decision-making